Address: 8 Nansen Place, Tulisa Park, Johannesburg South
Brief info

Ps Glenn and Ps. Michelle Nandh are the senior pastors of Quwm Ministries.
Quwm is a Hebrew word meaning arise! Quwm doesn’t imply a gentle arising,
quite the contrary. It’s a word encouraging us to wake up! Turn around!Something is about to happen. It’s an appropriate word for the time that we live in because for too long the church has been making the church spiritually weak,by preaching “feel good messages”. Christians are not feeble people that hide in closets. We are soldiers for God, a God that created the heavens and the earth.We are soldiers of a God who is the Alpha and Omega. We have the Holy Spirit.We have the Name of Jesus, we have the Blood of Jesus, we have the Word of God…We are God’s army! Arise and start fighting. If we are not fighting, we are losing!

We must arise and fight this war! Fight this battle and for this reason Quwm Ministries was created. Quwm is a vibrant ministry that is non-denominational
and have a compliment of soldiers from all walks of life.

We have many community initiatives throughout the year, feeding over a 1000 people per month, blessing the less fortunate with blankets, stationery for students, care packs for the homeless and less fortunate in our society. We believe and do the Great Commission everyday, preaching the gospel to the nation’s, healing the sick, setting the captives free through deliverance and equipping the body of Christ with spiritual gifts and truths.. Our Sunday services reaches 1000’s of people through our social media platforms thus using technology as an enabler to further the Kingdom of God. Come partner with us as we change the world!
Join us:
Sunday Service at 9am
Wednesday at 18h30 for our powerful prayer session
Friday at 7pm for youth
Time to Quwm

Join us every Thursday at 9am for “Time to Quwm.” Preaching the unadulterated
Word of God. For too long we are hearing about prosperity teachings, word of
faith movement, motivational talks and feel good messages in church and in the
process we have taken our saviour Jesus Christ out of the message. We need to
go back to the teachings of Jesus, using the Word of God to cut through all the
unforgiveness, bitterness, regret, turmoil that we deal with on a daily basis and
start to turn back from our wicked ways. This is exactly what Time to Quwm is

Lets Get Real
Our live talk show with the youth, discussing topics that the church hides away
from. Many of our youth are lost in society, they have no where to turn. Parents
are too busy, quality family time has become a thing of the past, the youth of
today has been silenced by living lives on social media. In Lets Get Real, we have
created a platform for the youth to talk about suicide, sex, drug addictions,
bullying, GBV, demons and everything in between. It is a platform that gives back
the voice of the youth in our society.

We are a Christian Radio Station with the main focus being :The voice of the church
Please keep all posts Christ centered

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Rehoboth Radio © 2025. All rights reserved.